Get To Know ... Anna Enos

Get To Know ... Anna EnosGet To Know ... Anna Enos

Nov. 28, 2017

Joining Auburn equestrian's Horsemanship corps this year are three new powerhouse riders, including Anna Enos from Rockwood, Pa. With multiple Top 10 finishes at the All American Quarter Horse Congress in Horsemanship, Trail and Western Riding, and AQHA Youth Superiors in Horsemanship, Enos' talents have flourished under Western coach Mary Meneely's training. In her debut ride, Enos helped Auburn in its victory over Ole Miss in an exhibition matchup, defeating opponent Emory Barns.

Q: Which horse is your favorite to ride at Auburn?
A: I would say an obvious one is Bella. She just can make my bad day good because if I'm not having such a good day riding, I know she's usually on point. Her attitude is eight out of 10 times very good, so she's always pretty steady.

Q: What are some goals you're looking to achieve while at Auburn?
A: Academically, I want to have straight A's in my second semester my first year and then so on. I also want to finish with my general education classes by the time I'm done with my first year because I really want to use them to just figure out what I want to do with my major. I'm majoring in business but I don't know exactly what in business. Athletically, I want to just become better. I want to connect with every horse that we have here and I want to be starting. I just want to become a better rider altogether and I just want to help the team.

Q: Who has influenced you the most in life?
A: My middle sister Elle has influenced me the most because I have compartment syndrome in my shins and she has the same thing, but a lot more severe. And she's overcome it since eighth grade as I'm doing right now, and since we've gone through the same thing I think it's easier for me to relate to her and to have somebody that actually understands what I'm going through. And also she's inspired me to just be a better person through her everyday actions. She's just the kindest person I know. And also my oldest sister Molly. They're both the most hard working people I've ever known in my life.

Q: What is your most prized possession?
A: My most prized possession is my old show mare, Faith, for sure. We kind of have the same personality. We can kind of be bratty one day and then completely fine the next. But I get along with her so well and she helped me to become the rider that I am today.

Q: What has riding horses taught you?
A: Definitely discipline and time management for sure. Discipline so much because I was in school missing about 30 to 40 days a year, so just having to make up that school work and stuff like that. And discipline meaning having to get my own horse ready and just helping my trainer and being up early and on time for things like that. It also taught me how to take care of someone other than myself. Having a horse is a huge responsibility. Even if you have trainers that do a lot of it for you, it's still a living animal and you have to take care of it.

Q: What is your intended major?
A: I was going to come in in nursing, but I changed it at Camp War Eagle. My mom is a nurse practitioner and I always wanted to do nursing just to be around people. However, I changed it to business because the rest of my family is in business and I feel like I can succeed a lot better in that.

Q: What do you feel separates Auburn from other programs?
A: I think how close our team is really is a game changer. When I came here for my visit, I could just see the teamwork from a standpoint of Hunt Seat and Western ÃÆ'Æ'¢ÃƒÆ'¢'¬" they're not separate. I'm so close with so many Hunt Seat girls in the freshman class and other classes as well, but our freshman class is honestly a group of best friends. I can honestly say I could go to any single one of those girls if I needed to talk about something. We're just so close, we take care of each other so well and we always have each other's backs.

Q: What's been the hardest part of transitioning into college?
A: I would say time management. I know I said earlier that riding at such a young age taught me time management but this is game changer. I knew what I was coming into but it's just the little things.

Q: What do you think is your biggest riding achievement?
A: I think my biggest achievement would have been just making it here from being from such a small town. My parents aren't trainers and I don't think I was as successful as other people in this business just because I didn't have the background of it. I think just making it here and being recognized by the coaches and being recruited was probably my biggest achievement, to be honest.