On The Plains with LJ Knox: 'Auburn will always have a place in my heart'

by Tayler Baker
On The Plains with LJ Knox: 'Auburn will always have a place in my heart'On The Plains with LJ Knox: 'Auburn will always have a place in my heart'

AUBURN, Ala. — Growing up in an athletic family in Nashville, Tennessee, Auburn soccer senior LJ Knox was always an all-around athlete. In addition to soccer, Knox participated in basketball, track and lacrosse for her hometown’s Brentwood Academy. 

“I decided soccer would be my sport freshman year of high school,” she said. “I always had a dream to play in the SEC.”

When it was time for Knox to make a decision on a university, she lasered her focus on the factors that mattered most — a strong athletics reputation, a competitive spirit, a supportive coaching staff, a welcoming campus atmosphere, a variety of academic programs, top-notch athletic facilities and lastly, the opportunity for personal growth, both athletically and academically. After careful evaluation, Knox saw that Auburn checked all of these boxes. 

“I visited several schools but at the last second decided to take a visit to Auburn. I immediately fell in love with the campus, people, coaches and most importantly, the team. Out of all of my visits, I had never experienced teammates like the ones at Auburn, and as cliche as it might sound, I knew then I wanted to be a part of the Auburn family.”

After finally stepping on campus as a freshman, Knox could hardly contain her eagerness.

“It felt like a dream the first time I officially met my team and coaches,” Knox said, “ but similar to the first time I stepped on campus, I was overwhelmed with a sense of family.”


Auburn_Defender_LJ_Knox__11__09212023_SOC_vs_Miz_EM_007LJ Knox hands a ball to a young fan pregame.

Like any new student-athlete, Knox felt the challenge of balancing academics with athletic performance but quickly adjusted and has since made her name synonymous with every academic honor roll to be heralded.  

“Balancing academics with soccer definitely took some getting used to,” Knox said, “ but once I found a good routine, I have been able to set aside time for my academics so that I can maintain my social life as well.”

Knox details how these challenges and obstacles are what bring her closer to her team and help her grow even further as a person. 

“The coaches have encouraged, motivated, and pushed me to be the best I can be on and off the field, and I am forever grateful for the influence that have made and continue to impress on me. I would also say each player on our team has taught me something during my time here.”

She credits a lot of her growth on the field to her centerback predecessor, M.E. Craven who was  “a great role model to me from the second I stepped on campus.”

Being an outstanding leader who makes a positive impact on those around her is a non-negotiable for the senior. Her goal is to guide her team through whatever hardships they may face but also inspire them to achieve more than they ever thought possible.

I immediately fell in love with the campus, people, coaches and most importantly, the team. Out of all of my visits, I had never experienced teammates like the ones at Auburn, and as cliche as it might sound, I knew then I wanted to be a part of the Auburn family.
LJ Knox

LJ Knox

As she gets ready to take the pitch for one last season in the Orange & Blue, Knox has some advice for the next young women who follow in her footsteps.

“My advice to the next group of players is firstly, enjoy every moment, including any challenges you will face because it will end up shaping who you are, and it’s up to you to decide how. Second, build lasting relationships that will outlive your time on the field. It’s one of the best things I have ever done.

“With this fall being my last season, I just want to soak it all up and not take any day for granted. Auburn will always have a place in my heart.”