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To provide a safe, well-organized, and controlled queueing experience for students by establishing effective security measures, controlled ingress/egress, medical support, weather monitoring, and emergency response coordination while preserving the spirit of the event.

All students participating in a queueing or camping experience in Jungle Village agree to follow all Community Standards.

This Week’s Game Designations

Game Designations Announced Each Sunday at 6 PM

Men's Basketball vs. Alabama

Men's Basketball vs. Alabama

Process B: Camping Game

Neville Arena
More Info

Process A: Queueing Game

Barriers will be placed in front of the Neville Arena student entrance and along Thach Concourse to create four designated student queueing areas which will be officially known as “QUADS” (Q). 

No designated start time will be announced for students to begin queueing. Students may begin lining up at their own time, as desired. Upon arrival to the queueing area, students will be directed by on site staff and student leadership to QUAD 1, 2, 3 or 4 (Q-1, Q-2, Q-3, Q-4). The earliest arriving students will be directed to begin filling Q-1. Once Q-1 has reached its full queueing capacity, the next students to arrive will be directed to Q-2, then Q-3, and finally to Q-4. 

QUADS are designed to assist in monitoring student capacity numbers, which will in turn provide students waiting within those QUADS guaranteed access to specific areas within Neville Arena. 

  • Q-1: Lower-Level Jungle Access 
  • Q-2: Lower-Level Jungle Access 
  • Q-3: Lower-Level Jungle Access & SRO (Standing Room Only Areas)
  • Q-4: SRO (Standing Room Only Areas)

QUAD number designations do not provide access to a specific seat number or section letter in Neville Arena, instead they will provide designated access by area (Lower-Level Jungle Access or SRO Access). Students, once inside their designated area of the arena, may then choose to sit in any desired seat or standing location within the area. 


QUAD Wristbanding Begins: As early as three hours prior to tipoff (with specific time varying by game), students who are queued within Q-1-3 will begin being wristbanded to secure their designated arena access. Wristband color and design will vary by QUAD.

Students MUST be within the QUAD at the time the wristbanding begins to receive a wristband. No additional wristbands will be given out for those who may have left the line – no exceptions.

Once the entire line within a QUAD has been wristbanded, students who need to leave the line for any reason must check out with on-site staff and student leadership. They will be required to check back in upon returning to the line. 


Arena doors open time is generally estimated to be 90 minutes prior to each event, but could be moved up to 120 minutes prior to the event, at the discretion of Athletics personnel. 

QUADS will be released in succession and gradually paced forward with the assistance of Campus Safety officials. Once Q-1 has been emptied into the arena, Q-2 will be paced forward into the Q-1 barriers, then Q-2, Q-3, and finally Q-4.  

Once the final wristbanded student in Q-3 enters, capacity of The Jungle will be evaluated and a determined number of non-wristbanded students will be directed to fill any remaining seats within The Jungle. All remaining students in line will begin being directed to SRO areas of Neville Arena, until overall capacity is reached. It is possible SRO admission may be paused at times as capacity is continually evaluated, then reopened based on scan rate of the SRO areas.  

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Process B: Camping Game

Barriers will be placed in front of the Neville Arena student entrance and along Thach Concourse to create four designated student camping areas which will be officially known as “QUADS” (Q). 

  • It is understood that camping tents will take up more space than lines for the normal Queueing process. Areas adjacent to the designated QUAD line will be utilized for the additional tents which will not fit within the actual queue. The number of students permitted to fill the QUAD will be the same as the Queueing process. 

No designated start time will be announced for students to begin camping. Students may begin camping up at their own time, as desired. Upon arrival to the camping area, students will be directed by on site staff and student leadership to QUAD 1, 2, 3 or 4 (Q-1, Q-2, Q-3, Q-4). The earliest arriving students will be directed to begin filling Q-1. Once Q-1 has reached its full camping capacity, the next students to arrive will be directed to Q-2, then Q-3, and finally to Q-4. 

QUADS are designed to assist in monitoring student capacity numbers, which will in turn provide students waiting within those QUADS guaranteed access to specific areas within Neville Arena. 

  • Q-1: Lower-Level Jungle Access 
  • Q-2: Lower-Level Jungle Access 
  • Q-3: Lower-Level Jungle Access & SRO (Standing Room Only Areas)
  • Q-4: SRO (Standing Room Only Areas)

QUAD number designations do not provide access to a specific seat number or section letter in Neville Arena, instead they will provide designated access by area (Lower-Level Jungle Access or SRO Access). Students, once inside their designated area of the arena, may then choose to sit in any desired seat or standing location within the area. 

Tent / Group Registration Process & Capacities

Tent / Group Registration Process & Capacities

Upon entering a QUAD, each student must register their camping tent with the member of The Jungle Leadership Team stationed at the start of the QUAD. Registration will include a review of the camping tent and Auburn enrollment verification of each student within the group. 

  • The maximum number of students per tent is four.  
  • Each student must be present at the time of registration and will need to show their own Mobile Tiger ID and list their student ID number on the form. Registered names within the camping tent may not be changed at any point after the initial registration has been completed.  
  • The camping structure must follow all guidelines as outlined per AU Risk Management Guidelines – including the size of the tent not exceeding a standard four-person tent size – and the structure will be reviewed for compliance at the time of registration.  

Once registration has been completed, the group will be provided with a physical number (e.g. Q-1-1) which must be placed onto the tent and remain attached to the tent for the entirety of the queueing period.  

At least 50% (rounded up) of the registration group must always be present within the registered tent. Groups will be required to check-in to verify the 50% threshold at randomized times throughout the queueing period. Should a group not meet the 50% threshold at any check time, the tent will be removed from the QUAD and the associated group will lose their registration for the game. Registration checks will be suspended during any competing athletic event taking place at Neville Arena. This enables students who are within the line to go inside and support the competing event. Check-ins will resume 30-minutes following the completion of the competing arena event.  

Camping structures of any kind will not be permitted in Q-4. 


By four hours prior to the event, all camping tents and supplies must be completely broken down and the area around each tent must be cleaned and returned to prior conditions. All items must be removed from the area and may not be left within the QUAD. During this time, students will be asked to begin lining up within each associated QUAD barrier, based upon their registered tent number. All students must be in line within their QUAD by the three-hour mark. 


QUAD Wristbanding Begins: As early as three hours prior to tipoff (with specific time varying by game), students who are queued within Q-1-3 will begin being wristbanded to secure their designated arena access. Wristband color and design will vary by QUAD. 

Students MUST be within the QUAD at the time the wristbanding begins to receive a wristband. No additional wristbands will be given out for those who may have left the line – no exceptions.

Registration names will be verified via mobile Tiger ID as each wristband is awarded. No substitutions permitted.  

Once the entire line within a QUAD has been wristbanded, students who need to leave the line for any reason must check out with on-site staff and student leadership. They will be required to check back in upon returning to the line. A matching student mobile Tiger ID will be required to check-out/check-in with on-site staff.


Arena doors open time is generally estimated to be 90-minutes prior to each event, but could be moved up to 120-minutes prior to the event, at the discretion of Athletics personnel. 

QUADS will be released in succession and gradually paced forward with the assistance of Campus Safety officials. Once Q-1 has been emptied into the arena, Q-2 will be paced forward into the Q-1 barriers, then Q-2, Q-3, and finally Q-4.  

Once the final wristbanded student in Q-3 enters, capacity of The Jungle will be evaluated and a determined number of non-wristbanded students will be directed to fill any remaining seats within The Jungle. All remaining students in line will begin being directed to SRO areas of Neville Arena, until overall capacity is reached. It is possible SRO admission may be paused at times as capacity is continually evaluated, then reopened based on scan rate of the SRO areas.  

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To provide a safe, well-organized, and controlled queueing experience for students by establishing effective security measures, controlled ingress/egress, medical support, weather monitoring, and emergency response coordination while preserving the spirit of the event. 

The spirit of successful Auburn men’s basketball events for students prior to the 2025 Tennessee game has been for students to queue organically at their own pace.

Extreme and unsafe weather conditions during the week of the Tennessee game forced Auburn to disallow camping out, which typically allowed students to line up gradually over a period of time. A student lineup time was announced to reduce the time students were exposed to below freezing weather and did not allow students to arrive gradually.
The newly established operational processes maintain the spirit of filling The Jungle with an organic formation of a queue in addition to new protocols that provide a safe, well-organized, and controlled experience for students.

An organized group of many campus entities and student leadership will make the decision of which operational process will be followed for the event, based on the following factors:

  • Date and time of athletic event (weekday vs weekend) 
  • Scheduling: Competing athletic and university events 
  • Weather and other related factors 
  • Risk profile of game (high profile match-up or non-marquee event) 
  • University operating status 
  • Other factors 

Operational Process No. 1 (Queueing Game) – A student queue with no physical tents or structures will be permitted.

Operational Process No. 2 (Camping Game) – A student queue with physical tents or structures will be permitted.

Game designations will be communicated on Sundays at 6 PM CT of a home game week. If there are multiple home games in a week, the game designation for the first game begins immediately following the announcement. The second home game designation begins one hour following the conclusion of the prior home game.

Auburn University, in partnership with local law enforcement, emergency services, and campus entities, will execute security, crowd management, and emergency response operations for The Jungle Queueing Process to ensure the safety of students, maintain order, enforce risk mitigation policies, and coordinate emergency preparedness before, during, and after the event.

Students are responsible for all personal items while participating in the queueing process or during camping out. Auburn University Athletics nor any staff will be held liable for any items that are lost or stolen. 


Queueing mechanisms will be in place to allow the designated game operational process to take place in ample time of queue formation in the respective Quads.

After the game designation has been communicated the Sunday of a home game week, students may begin queueing based upon the established protocols: 

  • “Queueing Game” – No designated time beginning in Quad 1
  • “Camping Game” – No designated time beginning in Quad 1 if you plan to participate with a physical tent (all members planning to camp out in the tent are required to register and setup tent) or Quad 4 if you do not plan to participate with a physical tent. 

Yes. All students lined up within the Q-1 and Q-2 barriers are anticipated to receive access to The Jungle at the lower level of Neville Arena.

No. Students lined up within the Q-3 barrier are guaranteed admission to Neville Arena, but they may not be guaranteed admission to The Jungle at the lower level of Neville Arena. While most students in Q-3 are anticipated to receive wristbands to provide guaranteed admission to The Jungle, it is possible that the entire line may not receive wristbands when that process occurs (as the number of students queued in Q-1 and Q-2 may vary slightly from game-to-game and not all students queued in the line may be permitted to enter based upon not being an active student and presenting a mobile Tiger ID at the gate). 

Once arena doors have opened and the final wristbanded student in Q-3 enters, capacity of The Jungle will be evaluated and a determined number of non-wristbanded students remaining in the queue will be directed to fill any remaining seats within The Jungle. 

Any remaining students in the Q-3 line will begin being directed to SRO (standing room only) areas of Neville Arena.

Q-4 provides admission only to SRO (standing room only) areas within Neville Arena, as capacity remains. Those lined up within Q-4 will not receive access to The Jungle at the lower level of Neville Arena, but instead will be provided with SRO access to the 100 or 200 level standing room areas within Neville Arena. It is possible SRO admission may be paused at times as capacity is continually evaluated, then reopened based on capacity within the SRO areas.  

Yes, a wristband given out during the distribution period approximately three hours prior to tipoff provides guaranteed access to The Jungle at the lower level of Neville Arena. 

Security and staff will deployed after the arrival of the first student to monitor the entrance to the Quads along the Thach Concourse and in front of Neville Arena for the duration of the event.

No. Unlike the Camping process, there is no check-in or check-out process for Queueing. It is strictly a first-come, first-served line to wait for entry. Because of this, it is expected that you will arrive to begin queueing once you are able to stay in line until wristbands are given out before doors open. Other students may not hold a place in line for other students to then join later.

No. Students may not hold a place in line for other students to then join later. The Queueing process is a first-come, first-served line. Unlike the Camping process, there is no check-in or check-out process. Because of this, it is expected that you will arrive with your desired group to begin queueing once you are able to stay in line until wristbands are given out before doors open. Remember, QUAD numbers do not associate with a specific section number - meaning, if your friend is in Q-2 and you are in Q-1, they can still meet up with you once inside to enable you to both sit together.


Wristbands will be used to designate student placement in a queue outside of Neville Arena beginning approximately three hours prior to the game and the corresponding area inside of Neville Arena (The Jungle or SRO). A valid student mobile Tiger ID is still required to be scanned at the gate to be granted admission to Neville Arena for the game.

As early as three hours prior to tipoff (with specific time varying by game), students who are queued within Quads 1-3 will begin being wristbanded to secure their designated arena access. The intention of this is to reduce anxiety of admission to The Jungle and prevent those who might arrive late from jumping other students already within the queue. Students arriving after a Quad has been wristbanded will not be permitted to join that section of the queue.

Wristbanding will be carried out in partnership with The Jungle Leadership Team, as well as athletics Fan Experience, Ticketing, and Game Operations staff and students. All wristbands will be placed directly on the student’s wrists and extra wristbands will not be handed out for students not in line.

Wristbands will be efficiently distributed by designated personnel, as early as three hours prior to tipoff (with specific time varying by game), to students who are queued.

Students caught selling a wristband will removed from the line and denied entrance for the current game and will not be eligible for admission to future regular or postseason games for the current season.

Wristbands that have been tampered with (cut, taped, or altered in any way) will be voided and you will not be allowed to enter the Arena. If there is an issue with the provided wristband once it is applied to your wrist, please see the designated personnel assigned to your Quad for assistance immediately.

No. Wristbands cannot be transferred to another individual once applied to a person’s wrist. Students caught trying to transfer a wristband to another person will removed from the line and denied entrance for the current game and will not be eligible for admission to future regular or postseason games for the current season.

There is no designated or guaranteed time that a student should arrive to the queueing system to be admitted to The Jungle.


For a game that has been designated as a “camping game," students may begin camping by arriving to the queueing system, starting with Quad 1 until it reaches capacity, with their tent structure and all members they wish to reside in their tent. If there is a home game before another home game deemed a “camping game”, students may begin setting up tents one hour post the conclusion of the prior home game. Tents are limited to a max of four people and may be no larger in size than a four-person tent. The tent will be registered by designated staff on a first-come first-served basis and a designated space will be assigned to setup your four-person tent structure.

All decisions regarding tent/camping requirements will be made by the designated staff member. Please respect the decision of the staff member present.

Each student residing in a tent must be present at the time of the tent registration and will need to show their own mobile Tiger ID and their name and student ID number will be recorded. One student will be designated as the primary contact for the registration. Registered names cannot be changed after this initial registration has been completed.  

The tent structure must follow all guidelines as outlined per AU Risk Management Guidelines posted on the Jungle Village website and the structure will be reviewed for compliance at the time of registration.  

By completing the registration process, students are accepting the terms and conditions posted on the Jungle Village website in regard to camping and the queueing system as posted. The primary contact will be notified of any changes and will be accepting responsibility for communicating with the other members registered throughout the duration of the event.

Yes. Once a tent is officially registered, at least 50% (rounded up) of the registered group for a tent must always be present within the registered structure or designated Quad area.

Groups will be required to check-in to verify the 50% threshold at randomized times. Should a structure not meet the 50% threshold at any check time, the structure and associated group will be removed from the Quad and will lose their registration for the game.

Registration checks will be suspended during any competing athletic event taking place at Neville Arena. This enables students who are within the queueing system to go inside and support the competing event. Check ins will resume 30 minutes following the completion of the competing arena event.

Yes. A maximum number of tents will be allowed to register per Quad and designated Quad overflow area. On-site staff will be monitoring registrations and direct people to available space. Once Quad 3 and designated Quad 3 overflow reaches capacity, there will be no additional tents registered.

Tent structures may be registered until 10 PM the evening prior to the basketball game. After 10 PM, no tent structures may be added and any students wishing to attend the basketball game must join Quad 4. Being placed in Quad 4 doesn’t necessarily mean that there is not space remaining in The Jungle.

Students that do not wish to camp out may join Quad 4 at their leisure. No tent structures or furniture will be permitted in Quad 4. On gameday prior to wristbanding, staff will assess numbers based upon camping registrations and wristbanding may overflow into Quad 4.

Yes. However, any furniture must fit within the four-person tent structure and may not consist of any university-owned property.

No earlier than five hours, and by four hours prior to the event, all tent structures must be broken down and the area around each structure must be cleaned and returned to prior conditions. You must remove all items from the Quad and overflow camping areas. You cannot leave items stored in Jungle Village until postgame. Any remaining items will be discarded during the game.

When a tent structure/group of students is registered to camp, they are given a card (ex; Q1 – Tent 1) to attach to their tent structure. When you break down your tent structure you must keep the provided card and present it to the designated staff to enter the Quad in which you were assigned. 

Yes. Campus Safety & Security will monitor and communicate weather conditions to students. The following guidelines will be used when determining if students should leave:

  • Temperatures at or below 32°F
  • Snow or ice conditions
  • Sustained winds higher than 20 mph
  • Lightning within a six-mile radius
  • Severe weather warnings
  • University closure


Arena doors open time for students is generally estimated to be 90 minutes prior to each event, but could be moved up to 120 minutes prior to the event. Students should have their mobile Tiger ID and wristband ready and visible to ensure efficient admission.

Quads will be released in succession and gradually paced forward with the assistance of Campus Safety officials and Allied Universal staff members. Once Q-1 has been emptied into the arena, Q-2 will be paced forward into the Q-1 barriers, then Q-2, Q-3, and finally Q-4.  

No. Backpacks are not allowed in Neville Arena. Any bags should not exceed 12”x 6”x 12”.


Yes. Only currently enrolled Auburn University students with a valid mobile Tiger ID are allowed to attend Auburn Men’s Basketball game events.

Yes. Students must have their mobile Tiger ID on their mobile device to enter men’s basketball games.

Yes. Face checks will be used to ensure that the mobile Tiger ID used to scan at the gates matches the person using the mobile device. Misuse of the ID is subject to disciplinary action by the university.

No. A Tiger ID may only be utilized by the ID holder to whom it was issued. If an ID holder permits another person to use their Tiger ID, the ID holder shall be in default of the agreed upon terms and conditions upon receipt, and both the ID holder and the unauthorized user may be subject to Auburn University disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution.

Students are responsible for removing all items brought into the queueing Quads or camping locations. Please make use of the many garbage receptacles and recycling bins. Please make sure any personal items or items you would like to keep are on your person or removed from Jungle Village prior to three hours before the game. Items left unattended in the queueing quads or placed near trash and recycling bins will be thrown away.

If you need to use the restroom, please use the portable toilets located in Jungle Village (adjacent to the Neville Arena Student Entry and adjacent to the Village Area Bus Loop/Mailroom). The Village Dining complex also has restrooms that may be used during business hours. 

Restrooms within Village Residence Halls are off-limits and may only be used by Village residents.

Using the bushes or any other part of university grounds as a restroom is against university policy. Students engaging in this behavior may be removed from Jungle Village and/or referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

Students in Jungle Village are expected to abide by all alcohol and drugs provisions of the Code of Student Conduct and other university policies.

Yes. Jungle Village is located within the Village residential community. Standard quiet hours will be observed from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. while camping out. Loud noise should be kept to a minimum during these hours – including amplified sound, playing instruments, gaming, etc.


Students with disabilities or those needing special assistance should contact the Office of Accessibility to coordinate their specific entry process into Neville Arena. The office can be reached by phone at (334) 844-2096 or via e-mail at