Web Gyms with Abby Milliet

Web Gyms with Abby MillietWeb Gyms with Abby Milliet

Dec. 4, 2014

Denton, Texas

By Megan Bifano

Abby Milliet, a freshman from Denton, Texas, comes to Auburn with a number of prestigious accolades. Milliet is a two-time WOGA Classic Senior Elite All-Around Champion (2012 & 2013), a WOGA Classic Junior Elite All-Around Champion (2011) and an All-Around, Vault and Bars Champion at the American Classic (2011) along with a number of top placing and appearances various championship meets.

Milliet is ready to help the Tigers in the 2015 season. Milliet has been welcomed by the supportive Auburn Family. The Texan is starting to find her normal routine on the Plains as she prepares for the upcoming season, but Milliet enjoys the support and friendships that come with being on a team.

Q: Why Auburn?
A: "I chose Auburn because I love the coaches here. They all work really well together and with us. I just love the campus because it's so pretty and everybody acts like a family."

Q: What is your favorite high school gymnastics memory?
A: "My favorite high school gymnastics memory was probably going to the World Selection and getting fifth. That definitely is not something that most people get to do - only about 25 people. So, it was truly an honor."

Q: If you were stuck on an island and could only bring three things, what would you bring?
A: "If I was stranded on island and could only bring three things, I would probably bring food because it's kind of important to stay alive, my phone and phone chargers to be able to call for help, and my sister because she truly is my best friend."

Q: What is your favorite Disney movie?
A: "My favorite Disney movie is probably Sleeping Beauty. It's my favorite movie because of her long blonde hair - I loved it - her dress, she got to kiss a prince, and she had fairies."

Q: Who are some of your roles models?
A: "Well, Nastia Liukin has always been a role model for me because I just think her gymnastics is so pretty to watch. I've always wanted mine to look like that. Some more of my role models would be my parents, because one day I hope to be able to raise a family and support them like they have."

Q: What teammate (past or present) do you look up to and why?
A: "Well, I think the teammate that I look up to would be Megan (Walker). She's so confident when she gets up and does her routines. So, I just want to be able to be as confident as she is."

Q: How is the transition to college going for you?
A: "The transition to college has been a tough ride especially coming in with an injury. It's coming together, but it was a rough start at first. Now, it's going much better. I'm getting into everything, so I'm hoping to be back to normal by season."

Q: What are you looking forward to the most about being an Auburn Tiger?
A: "I'm looking forward to having a team the most, because ever since about level 9 or 10, I haven't really had one. I'm also excited because it's a completely different environment than it was in elite. It's not quite as strict and stressful. Everybody is cheering for everybody else so I think I'll be a lot more fun."

Q: What does the Auburn Family mean to you?
A: "To me, the Auburn Family means that everybody is supportive of everybody else, and we are friends on and off the stage ready to help each other out in tough times."