Kasey's Corner: Update from Japan

Kasey's Corner: Update from JapanKasey's Corner: Update from Japan

Sept. 1, 2016 Kasey Cooper is currently travelling with Team USA for the 2016 Japan Cup. Cooper and her fellow teammates have had a chance to explore the area, and she has jotted down a few notes from her experiences thus far. Here is what she had to say:

Sept. 1st

Currently, we just finished with practice today and are awaiting opening ceremonies later tonight.

So, I know many people have questions about Japan. Here is what I have:

This place is clean. There is no trash anywhere, but there is one catch. You will have to look long and hard for a trash can!

People dress up everywhere, and everything is tailored to fit. Having a tailor or seamstress is essential. Honestly, the style is professional for anything and everything.

The Japanese people give it everything they have, and do it with precision. This goes for cleaning, jobs, and any work in general. Since they take pride in their jobs and duties, there is absolutely NO tipping! It's actually an insult. It's crazy! It makes me wonder if when they go to the US, would they tip? It puts a different perspective on it all.

There is rice for every meal, and dessert is usually fruit, unless we walk to a donut shop close to the hotel!

Everyone is willing to help, and the Japanese are great hosts. It feels just like home and southern hospitality. We are actually picking up on a few words so we can show thanks and respect.

It's safe and walking at dark is fine. I remember last time we went exploring past dark and we saw a few young girls walking home having a good conversation. It was crazy for us to see them walking down a dimly lit street and not thinking twice about it. We actually asked them for help finding a place!

Anime is definitely in over here. It's everywhere and for all ages.

This is something I will never forget. Seeing a different culture and respecting their values shapes who I am and who I look to be in the future. I know it sounds clichÃÆ'Æ'©, but this summer has been nothing short of a blessing, and I'm so honored to play with Team USA.

As far as softball goes, we will open up with Team Australia tomorrow, Sept. 2 at 12 p.m. local time (10 p.m. Central). Then, on Sept. 3, we will play Chinese Taipei at 3 p.m. (1 a.m. Central) and Japan at 6 p.m. (4 a.m. Central). These games will determine which teams will head to the bronze and gold medal games.