Inside the Six with Casie Ramsier

Inside the Six with Casie RamsierInside the Six with Casie Ramsier

Oct. 3, 2016 Casie Ramsier, a senior midfielder, has remained a constant leader in the attack and off the field during her four years on campus. The MAC Hermann Trophy Watch List honoree ranks fifth in the program record book for career goals (28) and game-winning goals (eight), while being positioned in sixth in total points (71). Ramsier tied for the second-best scoring season in program history last year by netting 12 goals and is on pace to break the all-time shots record. The Dallas, Texas native recently caught up with

What are your thoughts on the 2016 season up to this point?

We've had some pretty awesome moments. This team has grown so much and we came in with a lot of potential coming into the season. I think we're finally starting to show what we're capable of. It's exciting to see everyone progress as the season goes on and get better as the games go on.

How has the attention you've received on the field from opposing defenses helped those around you?

Hopefully it has been creating chances for them. If I can distract some of their players and open up Kristen Dodson, Ellie Leek, Bri Folds or someone else on the attack, I'd be happy to do it. Each year your role changes, so you've got to adjust and do whatever you can to help the team win.

Who is the funniest person on the coaching staff?

I would say Ben Madsen. I go and give him some dirt on Brooke Ramsier and he'll come back with a funny comment and I'm just not expecting it, so usually it's pretty funny and catches people off guard.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It would probably be a meal from one of my favorite Mexican places back home. It's called Javier's and they have the best chips and salsa. The steak with cheese in it is so good. I love Mexican food, so that would be my go-to choice.

What's next for Casie Ramsier?

I'm going to go back to Dallas, Texas. I'm going to work with PwC and their risk assurance department, so I'll be an accountant for a little bit and then see where that takes me.

Why did you choose Auburn?

When Brooke and I came on our visit here we fell in love and felt like we belonged here. The coaching staff is great, the girls are great and we just felt the Auburn community as soon as we stepped on campus. I read a quote the other day that said, "People on the outside don't understand it. People on the inside, it's hard to explain it." So, it's being part of the Auburn family that makes you want to come here and I just love it.