Catching Up With...Courtney Crable

Catching Up With...Courtney CrableCatching Up With...Courtney Crable

June 26, 2017

Rising senior, Courtney Crable, has been an attacker that Auburn volleyball can count on when it is game time. Crable, who is spending the summer on the campus, swung by to talk to

Q: What are your personal and team goals for this season?
A: Personally, I just want to be able to go out and do better than I did last year. I want to come out and be able to lead so we can be in a better spot to make the postseason.

Q: Have you found yourself putting more pressure on yourself as a senior to be more of a leader?
A: I haven't put that much pressure on myself as a senior to be a leader because we have such a big senior class and that kind of helps alleviate the pressure.

Q: What is it like to be playing with Alexa Filley, being that you two were rivals in high school?
A: It's an awesome dynamic. We played against each other in high school during club season. Now that we're on the same team, I really enjoy playing with her and not against her.

Q: What is it like to have Puerto Rico on the schedule for this year?
A: I think we are all excited to go somewhere different this year. We haven't gotten much of a chance to go anywhere cool like Puerto Rico, so everyone is pumped. It'll be a cool experience to just go, show up, play hard and do what we know how to do.

Q: When did you start volleyball and realize that this was a sport you could excel at?
A: I started playing when I was eight and then in seventh grade I realized I could do something great with it.

Q: Do you have any nicknames?
A: The only nickname I have is "Court", but that's just the shortened version of my name and what everyone calls me.

Q: What do you do outside of athletics?
A: I honestly take as much time as I can to rest, recoup and just chill. The Office is definitely my go to on Netflix when I have nothing to do. It's my go to and my favorite character is Jim just because he's incredibly funny.

Q: What's your favorite volleyball memory?
A: In high school, we used to travel to Tampa. Even though we weren't playing volleyball, I just enjoyed the time I got to spend with my team outside a volleyball tournament.

Q: What brought you to Auburn?
A: My club coach knew Auburn's coach and I knew Alexa was going to be coming here. I honestly didn't know of Auburn until my sophomore year. I came here, visited and fell in love with it. I felt comfortable here and it felt like home.

Q: What lessons have you taken from your freshman year to your senior year?
A: One of the lessons that I took from my freshman year is that I need to find time for myself. Success on game days for me is making sure that I'm okay before I go and do what my friends want to do. For me I'm a person that needs sleep before game day. I've just learned I need to take time for myself.

Q: What advice would you give the incoming freshmen?
A: I would say to just make sure you have time for yourself. Yes, college can be fun, but there needs to be "me time". It just gets so busy during the day. You're going non-stop until 9 or 10 at night. So just make sure that you're able to take a breath once in a while during the day.

Q: What was the hardest thing for you coming in as a freshman and do you find the same things hard for you as a senior?
A: The hardest thing for me was time demand of it all. Coming in as a freshman, I was so busy during the day, but at the same time, I wasn't. There was just a lot of things thrown on my plate all at once. For me it was just hard to balance things and even now, it can be a little hard to balance things between classes, rehab, homework and practice. But it has become a little easier to manage. I've definitely gotten used to it.

Q: What are your pre-match rituals?
A: As a team before a match, we usually turn on a song, turn off the lights and visualize what we are going to do when we get on the court. In addition to that, I'm a little superstitious, so when I'm putting things on I have to put on the right stuff before I put on the left stuff. I will take everything off if I put my left stuff on before my right stuff. I did it the opposite way once and we lost so since then I haven't broken that superstition.

Q: What do you plan to pursue with your kinesiology degree?
A: I would love to go into physical therapy. I want to come up with the rehab and treat people. My interest in physical therapy started when I was a sophomore and I had to go to physical therapy for the tendonitis in my knees.

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