Off the Pitch with Hannah Alspach

Off the Pitch with Hannah AlspachOff the Pitch with Hannah Alspach

Oct. 2, 2017

Amanda Ronan, Media Relations Student Intern

Head coach Karen Hoppa and the Auburn soccer program have attracted players from all over the country in the recent past, including senior defender Hannah Alspach. A native of Denton, Texas, Alspach is one of six members of the 2017 team that hails from The Lone Star State.

A four-year member of the Orange and Blue, Alspach played an important role on the Tigers' 2015 and 2016 teams that turned in back-to-back record-breaking seasons, including the program's first trip to the NCAA Quarterfinals in 2016.

Now in her last year on The Plains, Alspach intends to make the most of her final run with her Auburn teammates both on and off the field. What has been your favorite memory at Auburn?

Hannah Alspach: When we made it to the elite eight, or making history my sophomore and junior year. We made history for Auburn, and that was the greatest feeling ever.

AT: What's your favorite Auburn tradition and why?

HA: Rolling the trees. I love how downtown looks when everything is wrapped. It's so pretty. It seems stupid to other people, but I think it's a really great tradition. Just everyone coming together after a big win. They rolled the trees once when we won the SEC tournament. I wasn't here, but it's really cool that they celebrate all teams.

AT: What's your favorite aspect of soccer?

HA: My teammates. I think we have the best team chemistry of all the teams that have been here, and that's why we've gone so far. I love my teammates, and I'm happy I get to be a part of a team like this.

AT: What do you like the most about being a senior on the team?

HA: It's great being a senior because I have so much experience, so I can really help my other teammates. I'm kind of respected more because I'm older, but that's pretty much it. It doesn't feel that much different to me though, honestly.

AT: If you were stuck on an island with two of your teammates, who would they be and why?

HA: Sarah Le Beau because she's an engineering major, she's smart, and I trust her. My best friend, Courtney Schell, so that we can laugh at our misfortune and not be too serious about it. And then another smart girl, Abby Meadows, and I believe that her and Sarah would think outside of the box. We could make it work.

AT: What do you want to do ultimately with a major in education?

HA: I'm applying to occupational therapy school right now. I graduate in December and hope to get into one of the grad schools that I apply to back home in Texas.

AT: Which moment have you had in soccer that you think has defined you the most?

HA: The most defining moment for me was actually being recruited. I didn't know if I was good enough to play at a SEC school. Being recognized by coaches for my hard work through all of the years I've played, it's a great feeling. The fact that I'm able to come to a big school, like Auburn, is amazing for me.

AT: Being a senior, what will you miss the most about Auburn?

HA: I'll miss my teammates the most. I'll miss the little moments and making the most of everything with my friends.

AT: What will you miss the most about playing soccer at Auburn?

HA: The little things with my team. Everyone is just so close. We make the best out of everything.

AT: If you could give a message to the Auburn Family, what would it be?

HA: I love my Auburn Family. If you aren't in it yet, once you are here, you'll recognize how special it is.