Get To Know ... Allie Riddle

Get To Know ... Allie RiddleGet To Know ... Allie Riddle

Dec. 21, 2017

Amanda Ronan, Media Relations Intern

Gymnastics has impacted Allie Riddle's life in more ways than just one. Her favorite aspect of being a gymnast goes beyond the actual fact of being a gymnast. Riddle believes that being an athlete and a student has made her a well-rounded individual. Being a gymnast has allowed her to be set apart from others in a unique way. Most importantly, gymnastics has shown Riddle that you do not have to be the most talented gymnast out there to be successful.

Riddle, from Mobile, Ala., competed with Gulf Coast Gymnastics before coming to Auburn. She was the 2013 Alabama State Champion on floor and beam. Riddle was also a National AP Scholar. She is majoring in biomedical sciences with hopes of becoming a physician one day.

"My favorite part about being in the Auburn Family is that I'm a part of something so much bigger than myself," Riddle said. "It is truly such a tight knit community that is always there to help and support all of your endeavors."

Riddle is incredibly confident to go out and represent a school like Auburn because she knows that the Auburn Family will always have her back.

Q: What made you want to come to Auburn?
A: I wanted to come to Auburn because, being raised in this state, all you ever hear about is the SEC and the Alabama-Auburn rivalry. Both are such a big deal athletically and I always knew that, if given the opportunity, I wanted to be a part of it. When I got the opportunity to visit campus for the first time, I instantly fell in love with the small town feel and family atmosphere of the school. I just knew it was where I was supposed to be.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish academically and athletically during your time at Auburn?
A: I have wanted to be a physician for my entire life. So, in my time here, my academic goals are to prepare for and be admitted to medical school and enjoy the process it takes to get there. Athletically, my strengths are beam and floor, so I would love to contribute there, however, ultimately, my goals are to help the team in any way I can. I want to leave Auburn knowing that I have given every ounce of myself into the sport, so I can give my team the best product possible. If I do that, I will be satisfied no matter how many lineups I end in.

Q: What's your major and what made you want to pursue that major?
A: My major is nutrition science/pre-med. I chose this major because, being an athlete, I have always been very interested in how nutrition impacts performance and have been able to witness this first-hand.

Q: What's your favorite aspect of being a gymnast?
A: My favorite aspect of being a gymnast is having something else that both sets me apart and gives me an activity besides school where I have to work equally as hard. It makes me a more well-rounded individual having to balance being both a student and an athlete.

Q: How have gymnastics impacted your life?
A: I am a firm believer in the fact that "it takes a village" to accomplish great things. If you look at the history, you can see that most extraordinary individuals did not become this way on their own. With that in mind, I think gymnastics has most impacted my life by giving me impeccable people to look up to and a village of people to help me better myself. In addition, gymnastics has shown me through experience that you do not have to be the most talented individual to be successful. "Work, hard work", goes a long way.

Q: What's your favorite memory of being a gymnast?
A: My favorite memory being a gymnast was going to summer gymnastics camp every summer as a kid.

Q: You're not too far from home, but what do you miss the most about being home?
A: I miss my mom and my family, but besides that, I miss my high school because being close to the same 88 individuals k-4 through 12th grade brings you a special bond. I think so highly of the entire faculty and teachers at UMS-Wright, and I cannot thank them enough for quite literally molding me into what I am today.

Q: What's one thing you make sure that you do every time you go home?
A: I make sure to see my friends from high school and spend as much time with my family as possible since I do not get to see them very often.

Q: What's your favorite home cooked meal?
A: My favorite home cooked meal is peanut butter and banana crepe.

Q: What have you enjoyed the most so far about being a student at Auburn?
A: The thing I have enjoyed the most about being a student at Auburn is the independence of college. The coaching staff and support staff at Auburn encourages us to make our own decisions and take as much responsibility as we are able in our academics and athletics, and I love the freedom it brings. I also really enjoyed football season this year. I went to every single home game and loved spending time with teammates and friends. And of course enjoyed getting to celebrate after every single one.

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