Get To Know ... Ashley Smith

Get To Know ... Ashley SmithGet To Know ... Ashley Smith

Dec. 27, 2017

Amanda Ronan, Media Relations Intern

Raised by two Georgia Bulldogs, Ashley Smith decided to commit to and join the Auburn Family. "Because my parents went to Georgia and my brother goes to Georgia, they always wear red and black," Smith said. "It creates a friendly rivalry between me and the rest of my family, which we all enjoy because we're all very competitive." Smith expressed that she is excited because in terms of gymnastics, her parents will always be decked out in orange and blue.

Smith, the North Carolina native, was six-time Level 10 JO National competitor, 2016 Region 8 Balance Beam Champion, 2014 Level 10 Regional Champion for vault, bars, all-around, 2014 National Champion on bars and 2014 all-around fifth place at nationals. Smith knew Auburn was the right school for her after building relationships with the coaching staff and stepping foot on campus for the first time.

Q: What made you want to pursue a major in pre-vet?
A: I've always loved animals growing up and science was my favorite subject in school, so pursing this major has always been in the back of my mind.

Q: I saw your mom was a gymnast at Georgia. Growing up, how did she influence you?
A: She always knew what it took to be successful and always pushed me to be the best that I could. Because she was a collegiate gymnast and she always talked about how fun it was, it made me want to be a collegiate gymnast when I grew up.

Q: Auburn and Georgia being the South's Oldest Rivalry, how do you two interact during the Auburn vs. Georgia game?
A: Because my parents went to Georgia and my brother goes to Georgia, they always wear red and black. It creates a friendly rivalry between me and the rest of my family, which we all enjoy because we're all very competitive. In terms of gymnastics, my parents will definitely be decked out in orange and blue!

Q: Who is your biggest fan and why?
A: My mom. She is beyond excited that I accomplished my dreams of being a collegiate athlete and is determined to come and watch every meet.

Q: What are some of your goals during your time at Auburn?
A: To enjoy my time here as an Auburn Tiger. I know it can be hard not to get caught up in the stress of school and gy­­­­mnastics, but I want to be able to cherish every moment of being here, especially since being a collegiate athlete is something most people don't get to experience.

Q: What has been your favorite memory being a student so far?
A: My favorite memory has been winning the Iron Bowl. Being able to be in the stands and rush the field after Auburn beat Alabama was an amazing experience!

Q: What do you miss the most about being home?
A: I miss my family and friends! I didn't realize how much I loved spending time with them until being here. I also miss being able to go hiking with my dog whenever I wanted to. I think my teammates get annoyed with how much I complain about missing my dog.

Q: What made you want to come to Auburn?
A: I loved the campus and all the traditions that Auburn has. I also loved the coaching staff and how they interacted with the gymnasts and could see myself fitting in here.

Q: What's your favorite Auburn tradition?
A: It's hard to choose one, but I'd have to say all the cheers before the game. I love how there are so many and how they're all unique to Auburn.

Q: If you could give a message to the Auburn Family what would it be?
A: To keep doing what they're doing. Auburn really acts like a big family in the fact that there are so many resources when it comes to needing help with school and so many people that come to watch and support us at our meets and other sporting events.

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