Get To Know ... Sydney Bassett

Get To Know ... Sydney BassettGet To Know ... Sydney Bassett

Jan. 9, 2018

Amanda Ronan, Media Relations Intern

Freshman gymnast, Sydney Bassett, has found peace in balancing being a student, an athlete and remaining strong in her faith with having the Auburn Family's endless support. She is thankful for how much the Auburn Family has already contributed to her college experience.

Bassett was a part of the Prattville YMCA club team in her hometown not too far from Auburn. She was a 2016 JO National Qualifier, Level 10 state champion on vault, earned 10 state titles and was a National AP Scholar. Bassett was drawn to come to Auburn because of the atmosphere of the team and the coaches' perspectives on gymnastics.

Q: Being from Alabama, did you grow up an Auburn fan?
A: I actually was never a huge football fan growing up, but I knew I liked Auburn as far as gymnastics went.

Q: What made you want to come to Auburn?
A: I wanted to be close to home but far enough away to get the college experience, and I wanted to go to a school that had good medical field majors. As far as gymnastics, I loved the atmosphere of the team and the coaches' perspectives on gymnastics.

Q: What has been your favorite class so far at Auburn?
A: My favorite class is by far Intro to Animal Science! I absolutely loved learning about agriculture through this class and the labs were fantastic. We got to go to the horse, cattle, and swine units as well as the meat labs on campus. It was really eye-opening because I haven't grown up interested in or exposed to the production end of agriculture like this, so I got to experience a lot of new things. I was actually really surprised to learn that less than 2 percent of the American population is employed in agriculture today.

Q: What's your major, and what made you want to pursue a major in that?
A: My major is equine science through the Department of Agriculture. My plan at this point is to pursue some form of therapy where I can help heal children and work with horses, but I'm very open minded about opportunities that could arise through my involvement in the department. Also, there's really no telling where God will lead me as I've already seen. I almost chose to major in physical therapy or exercise science, but God really put it on my heart to go into this major. I've already been incredibly blessed through the department of ag.

Q: Which gymnast do you look up to the most and why?
A: I never really looked up to a specific Olympic gymnast as a little girl. I just wanted to do gymnastics because I liked being upside down and challenging myself, but I did have one particular gymnast in my gym that I looked up to. Chelsie Jones was one of the compulsory coaches, but she was also a gymnast on the optional team. Once I got to optional levels I was actually practicing at the same time as her, so I was pretty excited about that. I felt so cool because I was on the team with Chelsie, but I also loved that she would still take the time to give me advice in the gym.

Q: What's your favorite Auburn tradition?
A: I don't know if this really counts as a tradition, but more of a mindset. I love how everyone respects Samford Lawn so much. On the snow day we had not too long ago, my Bible study group decided to head to Samford Lawn to play in the snow, and I was shocked at how many other people had the same idea. One of my friends actually got everyone on the lawn to get in one huge group picture in front of that beautifully lit tree as we all yelled 'War Eagle'. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you've seen the picture floating around somewhere because after the picture was taken, we airdropped it to anyone that wanted it.

Q: What's your favorite aspect of being a gymnast?
A: I'm honestly really excited to see how God is going to use me in this platform as a way to share His love with the fans in general, but specifically with the little girls who love to watch gymnastics. I absolutely loved being able to encourage the little girls in my home gym and remind them to take everything one day at a time, and I've doing my best to listen to God's will for me and put forth my best effort one day at a time as I head forward into this new experience.

Q: I saw that you're very active in music-related activities and outdoor activities, what do you enjoy doing the most outside of gymnastics?
A: You could ask any one of the girls on the team and they'd probably be able to tell you exactly where my "happy place" is. I love sitting on the dock at my lake house listening to country top 40 countdown with my family. Basically, as long as I've got Jesus, family, friend and fresh air I'm as happy as a lark. As far as another hobby goes, I love riding my horse. I've actually made friends with a girl on the equestrian team at Auburn over our love for Jesus and horses and we've already been riding together.

Q: Even though you're not far from home, what do you miss the most about home?
A: I miss just spending time with my family. I was raised in such a "family first" setting that it feels really weird not being able to see my parents, grandparents, and brothers every day. I think for a little while I was in this sort of denial phase because my brain seemed to interpret the first couple weeks of college as a really long gymnastics camp. I've really been blessed through the team and my Bible study though. I'm around girls on the team so much that we sort of act like our own little family, and my Bible study friends are great about supporting me in this sport and giving me an outlet to not override my brain with gymnastics.

Q: What's your favorite home-cooked meal?
A: That is such a hard question to answer. I love pretty much all home cooked meals because my mom and grandmother are southern cookers through and through. When in doubt though, anything grilled, like steak or burgers, with baked beans, baked potatoes, and sweet tea is a safe bet. I do love the occasional fried pork chop or fried tuna patties though. Like I said, really anything my mom or grandmother cook is a meal to look forward to.

Q: What does the Auburn Family mean to you?
A: The Auburn Family means great memories. I've already made so many memories with the different groups of people I've gotten involved with. That's the thing about college in general, you have to seize those opportunities to make memories with your friends because that's what life is about. You won't remember the time you decided to sleep in until 2pm or lock yourself in your room all weekend. It's important to find people that bring out the best in you and help you make those memories. My Auburn Family has already contributed to my college experience with memories from early morning snow ball fights and late night bonfires to rolling Toomers and having worship in the red barn.

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