“It was the perfect combination of my passion and sport with my major” - Emma Crosbie's summer in Belguim

“It was the perfect combination of my passion and sport with my major” - Emma Crosbie's summer in Belguim“It was the perfect combination of my passion and sport with my major” - Emma Crosbie's summer in Belguim

Emma Crosbie, sophomore on the No. 1 Auburn equestrian team, spent her summer in Belgium doing an internship with European Sport Horse Imports (ESHI), riding and working with a large variety of horses. This was not only an internship that helped prepare her for her future profession, but Crosbie mainly feels more prepared for this season.
"I was looking for a place in Europe to intern this summer, and one of my good friends was familiar with ESHI," Crosbie said. "They recommended me for the job, and off I went. It was such an incredible and unforgettable experience."
Crosbie was able to gain a new perspective on how the international horse sales business works. Another new life tool she gained from this internship was that she plans to be more open to any opportunity that comes her way.
"You never know what kind of experience you'll have or the people you'll meet unless you take a leap of faith and go for it," Crosbie said. "I now know to do whatever it takes to get the job done to the best of my ability. I won't hit the mark every time, but if the effort is there I will hit it more often than not."
Attributable to being a student-athlete, she carried over some of her habits from her time at Auburn all the way to Belgium in her internship and experiences. The main trait she carried over was her ability to remain focused and being on top of all of the tasks at hand.
"I think that being a student-athlete definitely helped me during this internship," Crosbie said. "During the school year, I have to stay focused and make sure that I am staying on top of all my responsibilities. I would actually venture to say that my internship was more relaxed than my normal schedule as a student-athlete, so it wasn't too difficult to adjust."
Crosbie's favorite part of her internship would be a hard decision because of all of the varying responsibilities she had; although, she did enjoy the obvious of being around horses every day.
"I loved seeing the horses every day and working with them," Crosbie said. "It was cool to see them progress and move onto their new homes in other countries. I got to see so many amazing places. We went across the country several times looking for horses, so I got to see a good portion of Belgium."
Crosbie accredits Auburn in helping prepare her for this internship. The many values that she has learned during her time at on the Plains not only helped prepare her for the internship, but also she believes have shaped her and will ultimately help her be ready for life after college.
"Some of AUET's main philosophies include always being prepared and on time, giving your all in everything you do, and learning as much as possible from those who came before you," Crosbie said. "I have discovered that people take notice when you genuinely commit to bettering yourself. People are more willing to help you when they can see you want to help yourself."
While she is not sure what her future holds, Crosbie knows that her summer in Belgium was well spent and will help prepare her for her professional life after college no matter what that may hold. While she is not sure if she wants to work with horses one day, Crosbie plans on going back this summer to work in a similar internship.
"I'm not entirely sure if horses will end up being my career, but I can say with the utmost confidence that horses will always be in my life in some capacity," Crosbie said. "I love being around them, so I will never stray far. In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy my time with AUET to the fullest while I earn my degree."