Tiger Tuesday: Gus Malzahn previews Mississippi State

Tiger Tuesday: Gus Malzahn previews Mississippi StateTiger Tuesday: Gus Malzahn previews Mississippi State

Gus Malzahn transcript

Opening remarks…
"We have our first SEC home game -- very excited about that. We're playing a very good Mississippi State team, a team that really, bottom line, embarrassed us last year.  They rushed for 349 yards and we rushed for 90. That was a tough one. 

"Our guys are real excited. I told those guys, 'We've got to have a great week.' Our urgency has to be there and we've just got to play good, hard-nosed Auburn football for four quarters. We're playing a team that can easily be 4-0 with a lot of confidence coming in here. You look at their offense, their running back, he's the real deal. He's one of the best in the country. He can break tackles, he's explosive, he runs with great pad level. And their quarterback can run, he's a run threat, just like the guy they had last year. We expect them to do that, and of course, we also expect them to have some play-action passes. They've got some receivers that are pretty dynamic.

"Defensively, they're leading our league in takeaways. That is what really stands out to me. They're very opportunistic, they get after you, they're a very aggressive team. Just like last week, there is probably a good chance we'll see quite a bit of pressure with our freshman quarterback. So, we've got to have answers for that. But like I said, we're playing a good team. 

"This is a big game for us. Our guys understand that and are very excited. Our crowd has been great. We're really looking forward to playing in front of our crowd with everybody bringing their A-game. Like I said, this is a big game."

Is it difficult not knowing which QB to prepare for?
"No, they're both very good quarterbacks. They've got some similarities. They're going to run their quarterback a little bit, but regardless, whichever quarterback is there, the running back is very impressive. So, we're expecting to possibly see both, but there are some similarities. They're going to run the quarterback."

Do you use last year's loss as motivation?
"The great thing is that we've got most of our guys back, so you really don't have to say anything. They know exactly what happened. We left that thing, and they embarrassed us. As a team, now -- it was the whole deal -- we only rushed for 90 yards. We pride ourselves on that, winning up front. You've just got to do it. They're a good team and I don't have to say much. Our guys know. It's a new year. I's a completely new year. But at the same time, when you have experiences, whether you're a player or a coach, you remember them. We've got to respond." 

This is always a physical series…
"That's just part of it in the SEC. You're exactly right; every time we play Mississippi State -- doesn't matter if it was 2009, 2010, or this year -- it's a physical game. That's just part of the rivalry, and that's part of playing a good team. Last week was a physical game, there's no doubt about it, but we knew that when we signed up. When you're in this league, each week is going to be physical. You have to prepare for that, and I think our guys are prepared for that conditioning-wise. I think we've got the guys that can do it. We've just got to get out there and execute and do it."

Keeping the team focused after a big win…
"Yeah, that A&M game -- that's behind us. Playing next week, we don't care who we're playing next week, we've got our hands full. Our guys understand that. You can't even think about that, and I really don't think anybody has. Matter of fact, that's the first time I've thought about it. We're playing a really good team, it's our first SEC home game, and the key is you've got to get better. We're happy we beat a good team on the road -- that was a big win -- but that's behind us. Really after our team meeting on Sunday, you can tell it's behind us. They've already flipped the page. (Mississippi State) has got our attention and they should."

Status of Derick Hall…
"We're hoping; we'll see if he practices today. I know he is improving, but we'll see if he is able to practice today and I'll give an update on Thursday."

Are you more animated on the sideline this year?
"I don't know, I'm just trying to do everything I can to help our team win and be the best coach I can be for Auburn and for our players. That's really all I'm trying to do."

How important has the play of the defense been?
"It has been very, very beneficial. They've played very good football all year. You think back to the Tulane game and offensively we really struggled. But our defense really rose up when we were struggling and allowed us to get to the second half and start moving the ball. Characteristics of good teams is that (offense and defense) complement each other. So there is going to be a time that the offense is going to need to help out the defense, but we've got good chemistry and we have some veteran guys. They know that we have a freshman quarterback, but he is improving and like I said before, I think he will continue to improve. He is still learning as he goes, but he has the potential to keep improving and I expect he will do that." 

Any pleasant surprises on defense?
"I don't know about pleasant surprises. We felt like we knew what we were going to get for the most part from our guys through the spring and fall camp, and we have so many guys back. We also have a lot of guys that have played in big games before. And when you play in the big games -- whether it's the SEC Championship two years ago -- there is nothing like experience that can help you moving forward. We have got some leaders that have been there and done that." 

Importance of impact guys…
"In this league you have to have that. You have to have that if you are going to be a good team. You have to have your impact players show up and make plays. If things break down, they are still capable of making plays and that's very important. I think we have a couple of guys that can do that, but we have to continue to build upon that." 

Play of the linebackers…
"Like I said after spring and fall camp, I did not think we were going to have too much, if any, letdown. Those guys are playing downhill, they are playing with great physicality, and they're tackling well. Some teams have tried to match-up their running backs on them in pass situations, but I think they have played fantastic so far."

Do you handle a true freshman at quarterback differently than an older guy?
"Yeah, you've got to be a little more patient because you've got to understand they are still learning. You've got to kind of put yourself in their shoes a little bit, and they've got to be confident. There is that fine line between making sure that they are ready, when to get on and when not. More than anything I think for a true freshman is whoever is the play caller or the coordinator, you've got to have great relationships. They need to make sure that you're with them, that you've got their back. I think that's the No. 1 thing for a young quarterback -- just to know that we are with you. And yes, you are going to make mistakes. So what? Don't make the same mistake twice. We believe in you. And that's really what we've tried to do so far." 

Importance of the running game while Nix is still learning…
"I think it's real important; I think that's his best friend. I mean if you're able to run the football -- and we are Auburn, we need to be successful running the football -- when we have our good teams, we can do that. A freshman quarterback -- that's his best friend. Obviously the better we can run the football, which we have improved -- we were just OK at first and I think we've got potential to keep improving and him keeping it has a lot to do with that, too. You see that he's able to get some yards keeping it and that he's able to open everything else up."

Do QB runs add a different dynamic?
"I think any time your quarterback keeps it -- I don't know what he is averaging, five, six times a game -- I think that's a different dynamic, kind of those plus-one runs from a defensive standpoint that you just can't gear up on the running back, so I know that helps." 

On Spencer Nigh…
"Spencer Nigh has done a great job. He's playing with great physicality. He made a great play on Joey Gatewood's touchdown pass. You know he had the first guy -- the first guy was a little patient -- then they had a guy blitzing off the edge, and he knocked him off so Joey could step up. And then the last play of the game when we ran the split zone read, he just did a super job. He kept driving his feet and allowed us to get the first down. He's one of those dirty work guys that kind of gets overlooked, but he's playing really good football for us right now."

On JaTarvious Whitlow's play…
"He's a really good inside-the-tackle runner. You can tell that he's more comfortable this year than he was last year, which is to be expected. I think he's slowing down a little bit and letting plays develop. So he's just a running back with more experience than he had last year." 

Status of D.J. Williams…
"That's a good question. This week we're hoping that he's healthier than he was. You saw him, he was on kickoff return, so he was good enough to play. But we'll see how he's doing. He's a guy that we wanted to get some touches for probably the last three weeks. But it just wasn't there or the game didn't present the right situation." 

Status of Shedrick Jackson…
"He's going to practice today. We're hoping that we have him this week. I'll know more Thursday. He's wanting to (play), but you know he had that high-ankle sprain. Sometimes those take a little bit longer, but it will be a big plus when we do get him back." 

How he works with Kenny Dillingham during the game…
"You have a game plan and if I'm in rhythm, he doesn't need to say much other than the down and distance. But sometimes you get out of rhythm or whatever. More than anything is we're on the same page. We prep the what ifs: if they do this, what do we need to call it? If they do that, what's the matchup? Where is No. 24? So he gives a lot of great information. He's really wise beyond his years. I've been real impressed. Of course, he learned from Mike Norvell; I believe Mike Norvell is one of the best offensive guys in all of college football. So, it's been very natural. I thought it would be, and it has been. And Kodi Burns does a good job, too. He knows our offense inside and out, and he gives some great information. Really both those guys have been very valuable as far as gathering information."  

Anybody identified as redshirting?
"Not at this point. I think we are starting to identify what we have. Our guys are pretty clear about who is going to help on special teams and everything that goes with that. At the same time, we have to stay healthy."

On the final play in first half at Texas A&M…
"We ran it against Washington last year. We had it against Tulane and were going to run it against them, but they saw it and called timeout."

On James Owens Moss…
"James Owens Moss is a very reliable guy that we have a lot of trust in, but we are starting to define some roles for some guys and trying to develop some depth. (Shedrick) Jackson did a good job when he got in there."

On Harold Joiner…
"He's another one that you can tell is a talented guy. Each game we are trying to grow his package and continue to develop him. We are getting the ball to more running backs and believe that is helping overall."

Did you like how it played out to have Whitlow fresh late in the game?
"I did. I think that was one of the keys to the game. He was fresh and broke some tackles. There was a drive where he had three very impressive runs on that drive."

On carrying so many pens on the sidelines…
"They change from week to week. I really haven't thought about that, but I probably need to start thinking about that. I kind of get in routines about things I want to circle and ideas, especially in the first half. I'm gathering information on how they are playing to prepare for halftime to have my thoughts together for at the half. Halftime is really short, and you have to make decisions in about four to five minutes, so you have to know what you want quickly. A lot of it is just circling certain things or making a few notes that can help at halftime."

Is a two-QB system a possibility?
"We've had them both on the field at the same time already. The good thing is that it gives us flexibility with both of those guys to be creative later on. We have confidence in both of them.

On Kylin Hill…
"He's explosive; he can run and break tackles. I saw that one play where he dove from outside the five-yard line. He's a veteran guy, he's been there and done that. He's one of the best in our league."

On Noah Igbinoghene…
"He's a great competitor. He's one of the best competitors we have on our team. He never takes a play off in practice. There's a time in games he may get a little nicked and you try to put someone else in, and he wants to stay out there. He's that guy that really leads by example. He's one of our best all-around players."

On blocking out postseason predictions…
"We're pretty isolated. I've told them we're not worried about any of that talk until you get to the end of November because that's all that matters. Right now it doesn't matter. Every year, you have teams that are hot early, and they fizzle out. All that matters is Mississippi State, so we'll let it take care of itself. We could care less what people's opinions are, we could care less about the final four -- we care about Mississippi State. It's as simple as that. If you let the (media noise) distract you, then it hurts you. I don't think we will have any problem with that."