Catching up with Drew Watson

Catching up with Drew WatsonCatching up with Drew Watson
Matthew Shannon/AU Athletics

For the last five seasons, Texas native Drew Watson has been a powerhouse for the Auburn gymnastics squad. Among her 50 career starts on vault, this fifth-year senior has brought a wealth of experience to the table this season for the team. We caught up with her as she prepared for the home meet vs. Alabama.
Q: How is this season different knowing that it's your last year on the mat as an Auburn gymnast?
"It is different because it is a bonus year and I am just soaking everything thing in; even the hard parts and tough times I am trying to embrace because I know next year, I won't have a team doing it with me. Also, it is different because the team is so special. I am just so grateful to be a part of it."
Q: What are your goals for this season? What are your goals for the team?
"My personal goal is leaving the team and the program with no regrets and being able to say that I competed the best Drew Watson could compete. As for the team… see you in Fort Worth."
Q: How has your experience here prepared you for life beyond college?
"My experience has prepared me by equipping me with the 'go-getter mentally'. I am interested in pursuing medical device sales, so I know if I don't get one sale or I get a no from someone, I am not going to take that loss. I am going to go back and figure out what I need to improve to do better next time. Also, some other ones like time management, discipline, being a part of a team is a big one."
Q: What would you like to say to the fans and the rest of the Auburn family?
"I would just like to say thank you for supporting me in my journey and the rest of the team. COVID-19 has impacted so many of us, so to be able to go back out there in front of the fans and show off how hard we work is so special. It means so much to us to have the support and fans that want us to succeed and are invested in the program. Also, you might want to get tickets for the rest of the season and years to come because this team is only going up from here!"
Q: If you had one piece of advice to give to your younger self what would it be?
"To not take everything so seriously and embrace the moment."
Q: Looking back at your time as an Auburn gymnast, what is one memory that stands out?
"There's so many it's hard to choose, but I would say beating Alabama in 2020. Even the little things like traveling on the road and waking up early and going to conditioning together is just something small I know I will never get to do again. It is so special and crazy that even the things I didn't think I liked I feel like I will miss."
Q: What is the next step for you after Auburn?
"I want to move back to Texas and develop a career in medical device sales. My major was physical activity and health with a minor in sports coaching and I already graduated so now I am doing graduate specialized studies in marketing."
Q: Going into the rest of the regular season, what is one thing you're looking forward to?
"Getting better every week and just pushing this team to the next level. Maybe winning some more and hopefully getting a 10 would be nice."
Q: If you had once piece of advice to young gymnasts hoping to compete in college, what would it be?
"Work hard and do the things outside of the gym for yourself because that is the thing that will put you over the edge. I would also make sure and find coaches that care about you and your well-being. Find a school that you would love if you didn't have gymnastics."