Get To Know: Lauren Hall

Get To Know: Lauren HallGet To Know: Lauren Hall

It's time to meet the Auburn equestrian freshman class as we bring you Q&As with the newcomers.
Our freshman feature of the today is Lauren Hall! Lauren is originally from Sammamish, Washington and is a pre-business major that competes in Horsemanship. 
Q: Why Auburn?
A: "I chose Auburn because I fell in love with the campus and community as soon as I set foot on campus."
What is your major and what do you hope to do with it after college?
"My major is pre-business right now and I'm thinking of going into business administration or marketing. After college I think it would be cool to work as a sports marketer or administrator."
What is your favorite Auburn tradition so far?
"My favorite tradition at Auburn is the eagle flight at the home football games."
What are you most excited about this season?
"I'm super excited about getting to experience my first postseason with the team this spring."
How are you managing being on the equestrian team and your class load?
"My classes this past semester were very manageable and if I stay on schedule this upcoming semester, things should be easier to handle."
What is your favorite thing to do in Auburn?
"My favorite thing to do in Auburn is visit downtown after a football win and see Toomer's Corner rolled."
What was your favorite class you took this past semester?
"My favorite class I took this past semester was sociology."
What horse is your favorite to ride for Auburn?
"My favorite horse to ride for Auburn is Victor. He reminds me of my horse at home."
What is your favorite memory with the equestrian team thus far?
"My favorite memory with the team is the football tailgate for the Texas A&M game. The game atmosphere was super fun and a great game!"
How long have you been riding and what was your first pony's name?
"I have been riding since I was seven years old, and my first pony's name was Magnum. He was a very old POA (Pony of American)."
What is your favorite thing about riding?"
"My favorite thing about riding is getting to know each horse's personality."
What three teammates would you bring on your dream vacation and why?
"I would bring Lauren McCaulley because she is my roommate, and we get along well. I would also bring Kaitlyn Ferguson because I have known her for years and she's always super fun and finally I would bring Rachel Hoopman because she is super funny and would make us laugh."