GET TO KNOW: Bryn Bartman

GET TO KNOW: Bryn BartmanGET TO KNOW: Bryn Bartman

AUBURN, Ala. – Another school year means another season of Auburn gymnastics! And as we get ready to kick off the 2024 season in January, it is time to get to know the 10 newcomers to the squad. Starting us off is freshman Bryn Bartman!
Hometown: Black Mountain, N.C.
Club: Georgia Elite
Prior to Auburn: Two-time Development Program National Championship qualifier … Top 10 finish on beam.
Q: Why Auburn?
A: "Why not Auburn?! When I first stepped foot on campus, I knew this is where I wanted to go to school. The campus is the most beautiful, the people are amazing, and the atmosphere is perfect. The resources and opportunities are unbelievable. It is the biggest blessing and I am so grateful to be a part of the Auburn Family."
Q: What's your major and why did you choose it?
A: "I chose business as my major because you are able to do a lot of things with a business degree. I am hoping maybe one day in the future I will be able to run my own gym!"
Q: What do you hope to do once you are done with school?
A: "I hope to coach gymnastics when I finish school. I would love to be able to coach at the college level."
Q: What's your favorite thing about your hometown?
A: "My favorite thing about my hometown, Black Mountain, is the smallness of it. Everybody knows each other, there's so many good places to eat, and it is the prettiest place! You can see the mountains from almost anywhere you are, and there are hiking trails/walking trails everywhere."
Q: What does a typical day in your life at Auburn look like?
A: "Wake-up, Bible study, coffee, treatment, class, practice, recovery, dinner! I also love taking walks in the morning if I have extra time."
Q: What's your favorite event and why?
A: "My favorite event is bars. I love the feeling of letting go of the bar and catching it again, hitting perfect handstands, and sticking my dismount. I also love how much of a challenge it is, especially working to make all the little details perfect."
Q: What are you most looking forward to here at Auburn?
A: "I am most looking forward to gymnastics season! I cannot wait to compete in Neville Arena and to travel for the away meets. I also am looking forward to meeting new people and making new friends."
Q: How did you get involved in gymnastics?
A: "My parents put me in an after-school class once a week, and I loved it so much. I wanted to be more serious with gymnastics, so I started at a club gym and joined the team there. My love for gymnastics continued to grow, and my desire to be great at the sport grew every day. I started practicing and working harder every day, continued to get better, and now I'm here!"
Q: What is your pre-meet ritual?
A: "Listening to hype music, praying, and visualizing. I also text my mom that I love her right before the competition starts."
Q: What is the coolest thing you've done in the past year?
A: "Moving to college is the coolest thing I have done in the past year. It is something that I have been looking forward to since I committed in 2021, so being here now is surreal and truly a dream come true."
Q: What is on the top of your bucket list?
A: "Going skydiving is at the top of my bucket list!"
Q: If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring and why?
A: "My phone so I could call someone, a blanket so I could sleep, and my dog so she could protect me."
Q: What is your go-to karaoke song?
A: "I don't like karaoke and I am not good at lyrics either. Probably a Taylor Swift song if I had to pick."