AUBURN, Ala. – Riding with her parents around Auburn Sunday on the eve of her father’s formal introduction as the Tigers’ head soccer coach, 8-year-old Olivia Armstrong observed similarities between the Plains and her dad’s native country of England.
“This feels like London,” said James Armstrong, quoting his daughter, who was seated nearby with her mother, Casey. “We drove past Samford Hall, and she said, ‘Look, there’s Big Ben.’”
For the Armstrong family, London wasn’t calling but Auburn was.
“The connections we have with Auburn run deep,” James said.
Indeed. Casey Armstrong is an Auburn University graduate. James and Casey were engaged and married in Auburn, and their daughter was born at East Alabama Medical Center during James’ six-year stint as an assistant coach under Karen Hoppa from 2013-18.
“Beyond the personal milestones, we are returning to Auburn because we know this is a place where championships can be won,” Armstrong said in his opening remarks after athletic director John Cohen introduced him Monday at the Woltosz Center.